Monday, May 23, 2011

For Caryn

Day 17 - A picture of someone that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

Enter generic picture of half of the UNI school of music.

I'm sitting here at 10:37 on a Monday night, chatting with Delin and Caryn on facebook and Jake on skype.
And i realize that I already REALLY miss everyone at UNI.  I miss my unnamed quartet, i miss Caryn, i miss Dr Washut, Dr McCandless, my studio, various ensembles, the Hub, and even the people I know but I dont know. The ones i have talked to a few times but usually just smile at when i walk by them. Having something to legitimately practice for. Having a little room to clean and call my own (half of it, anyway).  Spending nights WITH the people i like, not just electronically talking to them.
I miss all of it.  But not the point of being emo :) I cant wait til next Fall! It's gonna be magical.

This is what i've done while I've been home:
~Laid out
~Stumbled upon things
~Churchy church
~Grad Parties (woo...)
~Played with Lucille
~practiced...a bit..
~survived a rapture
~Laid out some more
~Transplanted my flowers
~Started a "wedding document" (Thanks to Kristen..)

Aka..... I've done NOTHING. It's been thrilling. I went to Mason city for a few days. We didnt do much because Jake is not a born event planner. I played Pokemon for the first time in MANY years.. (Yes, i play/like video games..sue me). We went outside a few times. I threw a Frisbee. It was a grand ole time in Mason City! Jk. Dont tell him that or he'll cry...

Tomorrow I go on a bike ride at 5am. Then to the wonderful orthodontist to whom I owe my mouth/soul.  Then to visit Randy Hoepker with K-Ray (he's letting me play the Eflat clarinet for a concert in a few weeks!!! Suck it MoPete! ((jk again!!!)), then girls night of some sort, then my summer job begins.  I'm babysitting some children that I'm related to for a few days, then nannying some other children I have no relation to. The good thing is, these children are all active/outdoorsy so I'll be getting a workout (however much you can get with small children, me being 5'10" and all) as well as more of a tan.  I'll be doing that sort of thing throughout the summer, not daily though. So not fabulous money, but enough i guess. It'll be my first job since good old Illahee hills, back in the day..

Well that's pretty much all that's been going on in my life recently. It's only been 2/3ish weeks since school got out, but it feels like it's been a lifetime. I can only hope it starts to go by quickly. No offense, Urbandale..

I'll probably post again sometime in my lifetime. Only if my baby dog is having puppies.
(disclaimer - She's not literally a baby. A baby having babies would be weird)

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